# "Any empty [Disallow] value, indicates that all URLs can be retrieved. # At least one Disallow field needs to be present in a record . " User-agent: * Disallow: /cart.html Disallow: /register.html Disallow: /retrieve_password.html Disallow: /checkout/ Disallow: /checkout.html Disallow: /checkout/shippingOptions.html Disallow: /account/password.html Disallow: /transfercart.html Disallow: /search.html Disallow: /my_account.html Disallow: /cart.html Disallow: /vehicles/state/update Disallow: /vehicles/makes.json Disallow: /vehicles/models.json Disallow: /vehicles/years.json Sitemap: https://www.am-autoparts.com/sitemap.xml.gz User-agent: bingbot Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: MSNBot Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: Scrapy Disallow: / User-agent: MauiBot Disallow: / #